Sea Caves Exploration – Part 3

Well, this is Part 3 for me but probably Part 5 or 6 for John G.  John has made it his goal in life to identify all the sea caves up and down the NSW coastline.  He has a book written by John Dunkley which was produced prior to the GPS and he’s trying to locate the caves in the book, GPS them, and document them.  So, I rocked up on Saturday to be part of the adventure. Continue reading

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Laying by the pool drinking margaritas

BALI – Week 5 & 6 @ Tabanan – 1 – 13 July 2024
Before we left, and when I looked at the photos of our third villa, I could just imagine myself laying by the pool, reading a good book and drinking margaritas.  It didn’t occur to me that (a) I’d have to buy some tequila; (b) one of us would have to know how to make them; and (c) I’d be getting sunburned whilst I waited for someone to bring the margaritas to me. Continue reading

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The zeros are doing our heads in!

BALI – Week 4 @ Ubud – 22 – 30 June 2024
Well, it’s been four weeks now and we still can’t get our heads around the bloody zeros with the Indonesian Rupiah!  It started when Christine and I did some currency exchange at Sydney Airport, A$250 for RP2,736,626, most of them in RP100,000 notes.  From there on it was all downhill. Continue reading

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Ubud – the Curtain Tie Back Wars

BALI – WEEK 3 @ UBUD – 15-21 June 2024
The two weeks in Ubud didn’t start off well for Christine.  On the first night, and for the next four nights, Christine undid the curtain tie backs on 3 of the 4 walls of windows so that she didn’t have the sun shining in during the afternoon and the lights during the night.  And then, when the staff cleaned the room, they put the tie backs back on the curtains again … so she had to take them off again that night. Continue reading

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1.5 Hours Floating in the dark – that’s going to be a stretch

BALI – WEEKS 1 & 2 @ CANGGU BEACH 1-14 June 2024
Probably the most “out there” thing we did during our first two weeks was experiencing a float tank at Float Solace. I knew that 90 minutes of floating was going to be a stretch, what was I going to think about for 90 minutes?  Christine’s main concern was what to wear … “I know we’re floating by ourselves but I’m not floating in the nude!” Continue reading

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